Our core service is to send you your own notes written in Notion that may be private. We do not store any of your notes on our database. Instead, we first request for your permission on Notion to access your notes. Then, our code on our servers will read and retructure it into a readable email format and send it to your provided email. This data read from your Notion note during this step is deleted once the email is sent out, which happens less than a second from when your notes are read by our code. Throughout, no humans are involved in the process, only robots.
We only have access to your email address which we will never sell or misuse your identity. We do track analytics on our site, but we do so with Plausible Analytics, a privacy-focused web analytics tool. Way, way better than Google Analytics. Check them out if you run a website!
We do track the performance of our emails, such as open rates and our advertisers's link clicks, but we do not attach any identity to those actions.